Auto Insurance

When it comes to auto insurance, you don't get a lot of options concerning whether or not to participate. This type of insurance coverage is required by law, but you have choices concerning who you purchase your coverage through. At Don McGill Insurance Group, we strive to help Texas residents make the best insurance choices possible. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of auto coverage.

How Does Auto Insurance Work?

There are two basic ways that auto coverage can work. Let's look at each in depth.

Liability coverage- Liability coverage is an inexpensive type of insurance that will fulfill your legal obligations so that you can legally operate your vehicle on the road. This type of coverage will pay for expenses that might arise if you are at fault in an accident and you cause damage to another car or if you cause injury to other drivers or pedestrians. However, this type of coverage will not provide any payments for damage to your vehicle or help pay for medical expenses if you are injured.

Full coverage- Full coverage includes all of the coverage offered by liability. Still, it will also help pay for repairs or replacement of your vehicle or medical expenses if you are injured.

Many people find that full coverage is a better overall investment. This coverage can protect you from serious, unexpected expenses following an accident.

What Happens Without Insurance?

You can face serious legal consequences if you do not have proper insurance. It is illegal to operate a vehicle without insurance. You could face fines or even suspension of your license.

In addition to the legal consequences, you could also face heavy financial consequences. This could create a financial hardship for you that would be difficult to recover from.

If you would like to learn more about auto insurance in Texas, please get in touch with us at Don McGill Insurance Group.

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